Finnish political situation is dire. Who can lead Finnish people for better world?

11 months ago

The Finnish political situation is dire. The government is unable to make important reforms, because their paradox. The paradox is that government is minority [1]. There is a great question that does the people know for the best on their own destiny and after all the iron law of oligarchy says otherwise [2].
The major strike which are planned to be commenced by Finnish trade unions [3] will ha huge negative impact to Finnish national economy [4, p. 521]. The trade unions are afraid of their power [4], but in this world situation the regular people in Finland are the biggest damage takes if the many weeks strikes are commenced. Why because many companies’ economy is bad stage [5]and some of them will eventual go bankrupt during the major strikes. Also it very dangerous situation have a number amount of internal crisis, when a new power structure of BRICS is rising [6-8].

The Euro parliament elections are coming, and it is vital that Finnish people will choose people to represent Finland in the parliament of EU, which are promoting the stand your ground Finland policy [9]. Because during this world situation, only Fins people can only defend their own national interest and without that Finland continues path where it cannot become for example an economic success story.



[2] Drochon H. Robert Michels, the iron law of oligarchy and dynamic democracy. Constellations. 2020; 27: 185–198.

[3] FInnish New agency. SAK labour federation launches more strikes next week. 6.3.2024.

[4] Tenza, Mlungisi. (2020). The effects of violent strikes on the economy of a developing country: a case of South Africa. Obiter, 41(3), 519-537. Retrieved December 22, 2023.

[5] Mauri Kotamäki. Rahoitus & kasvu -katsaus: Pk-yritysten investoinnit ovat hyytyneet, yritysten kannattavuus koetuksella – Suomen talouskasvu jäänee nollan tuntumaan tänä vuonna. STT Info. 10.5.2023.–katsaus-pk-yritysten-investoinnit-ovat-hyytyneet-yritysten-kannattavuus-koetuksella-suomen-talouskasvu-jaanee-nollan-tuntumaan-tana-vuonna?publisherId=3752

[6] Shaping A New World Order: Role Of The Brics And China’s Potential.

[7] Brics: Shaping a New World order, Finally.

[8] Harmer, A., Xiao, Y., Missoni, E. et al. ‘BRICS without straw’? A systematic literature review of newly emerging economies’ influence in global health. Global Health 9, 15 (2013).

[9] Mikko Luomala. Mitä on Pidä Puolesi Suomi -ajattelu? YouTube 2023.

Who is Mikko Luomala?

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