QSI - Biglier Bomb Stellar End Game part1of3 (March 8, 2024)

1 year ago

The original call is over 4hr long, so the recording is broken down into a series of 3 videos:

Part 1 - Biggest Stellar Declasses of 2023 that are imperative to understand WHY Stellar is and has always been The Chosen Blockchain of the QFS (QSFS)
Part 2 - IBM's critical role in the White Hat Q Plan for RV, GESARA, and Stellar: we will review the features of IBM's z/OS & OPSYN, how Quantum Security works, and why the Cabal is powerless to stop the Q Plan #NCSWIC
(like to Part 2: https://rumble.com/v4i33n6-qsi-biglier-bomb-stellar-end-game-part2of3-march-8-2024.html)
Part 3 - Biglier Sneakier Ninja Bomb after Bomb Declas PROVING EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE & ALL ROADS LEAD TO STELLAR
(link to Part 3: https://rumble.com/v4i3bpi-qsi-biglier-bomb-stellar-end-game-part3of3-march-8-2024.html)

Link to slides: https://t.me/QuantumStellarInitiative/36503

More info on BDT:

"That was great. That was basically the whole WH blueprint laid out for us. It aligns perfectly with how the WH would operate. Least resistance possible with no alarm bells going off. That my friends is how the Art of War is executed."
- James

"Wow! What a presentation! Thank you Emily for always going the extra mile. I think many of us often wondered when we did certain ICOs how they were WH controlled? Well now I understand how it was done and I'm sure there are many more companies under their control than we've ICOd. zOS is astonishing! How it's been around so long and how it's been used over time to infiltrate and be hijack so willingly by the Cabal. So much to regurgitate. Thank you so much for this huge declass!💕"
- Janet's 2cents

"This call was four hours long and felt like it was nothing, because of the so many ah ha moments that there were for me. I have had such a hazy understanding of how all of this takeover of the whole financial system could actually happen, and now I have a great little puzzle coming together in my head. This is a call that I will listen to a few more times. I really appreciate all of you and the many hours you put in to trying to get to get this message across to us who get bogged down by the negative energy from those around us calling us crazy. I feel that I have so much more confidence now after listening and can defend what I am doing at least to myself. I absolutely love the Q connections. I felt lit up by Q back in the day, and dug like crazy every chance I had. It is all coming together now in my head. Thank you all."

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