"A Dog with A Guilty Smile"

7 years ago

"When a kid does something bad, something that he or she knows it's wrong and gets caught, they usually try to get out of this uncomfortable situation with a big guilty smile and even bigger "I'm sooorry!" apology! Sometimes they get away with it and sometimes they don't. But, what about dogs? Would you forgive your pup if he takes on the same tactics as kids do? Well, if your dog is as sweet as the one from this video, we're sure that it doesn't take much for you to forgive him! This cute pup has found the way to get on a highchair, but he doesn't seem very comfortable with getting off. So, when his mommy catches him, he puts on the best guilty smile on and makes the most adorable "I'm sooorry" face a dog can pull off! This is something you don't want to miss - the most charming pup you've ever seen!"

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