Unearthing the Long-Lost Village of the Apostles - Bethsaida, Israel | Scott Stripling & Jim Scudder

1 year ago

Join us on an exciting journey as we explore the ancient village of Bethsaida, Israel believed to be the home of Jesus' disciples. Located on the Sea of Galilee, El Araj, is an archaeological site that has provided valuable insights into the lives of early Christians and the historical context of Jesus' ministry. Walk with us through the ruins of this ancient settlement and uncover the rich history and culture that once thrived in this region. Learn about the significance of Bethsaida in the Bible and how its discovery is reshaping our understanding of the early followers of Jesus. Don't miss this unique opportunity to step back in time and connect with the roots of Christianity. Watch as we delve into the mysteries of Bethsaida and shed light on the daily lives of Jesus' disciples.#Bethsaida #ElAraj #JesusDisciples #Archaeology #Christianity #AncientVillage #HistoricalSite #biblicalhistory
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Discover Hidden Israel 5 - Episode 3

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About Dr. Scott Stripling:
Dr. Scott Stripling is the Director of Excavations for the Associates for Biblical Research at ancient Shiloh (2017 to present). He also serves as Provost and Director of the Archaeology Institute at The Bible Seminary in Katy, Texas. Previously, Stripling directed the ABR excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir, served as Field Supervisor at Tall el-Hammam in Jordan, Director of the Mt. Ebal Expedition, and as a supervisor of the Temple Mount Sifting Project in Jerusalem. Stripling did his graduate studies at the University of Texas (M.A.), Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (M.A.), and Veritas International University (Ph.D.).

About Jim Scudder:
Jim Scudder, Jr. is a pastor, author, and media host. He serves as the Senior Pastor of Quentin Road Baptist Church in Lake Zurich, Illinois, and President of Dayspring Bible College & Seminary in Mundelein, Illinois. Jim is also a private pilot, and enjoys hiking, scuba diving, fishing, and going on adventures that showcase God’s glory.

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