This Huge Boomerang Requires A Monster To Throw It, And This Man Does It With Ease

7 years ago

A curious video has emerged of crafty Vic introducing his big flexible boomerang measuring over 5 feet across, with each of the wings being 4 feet, requires a monster throw to get it to fly and return, and Vic is going to try it! Brought to you by boomerangsbyVic

Vic takes the first swing, and the boomerang sways in the air and almost returns to Vic, but falls to the ground! The second time he throws it, it ends up further away! The entire thing is filmed in slow motion in order to get a closer look at the wobble.

There is one infamous strike, when one of the wings of the returning boomerang catches the camera a little bit, causing it to move to the side. Given the size of this enormous boomerang, we can only imagine what happens if the boomerang was to actually hit the man! Scary right!

To conclude, the boomerang does come back, maybe not as nice as Vic would like, but it was worth the try! Of course, there is room for improvement!

All boomerangs made by Vic from 'BoomerangsbyVic' are handcrafted with 10 ply 5mm finish birch. His hand-crafted returning boomerangs can be purchased online and make great gifts for someone you know that loves boomerangs.

The boomerang is a tool made and used by the indigenous Australians for hunting. Typically constructed as a flat airfoil and when thrown is designed to spin about an axis that is perpendicular to the direction of its flight.

You might not be able to purchase the chrome boomerang like the one Vic made, but you can certainly purchase one of his wooden creations, so feel free to check out his site and share this video with your friends!

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