Cosmic News for March! This is a Great New Moon for Divination and the Equinox is almost here!

1 year ago

Hello my friend. There’s a New Moon in the escapist sign of Pisces on March 10 that will leave you disdaining the mundane. Pisces is the cosmic escape artist, so you may find some way to zone out the real world such as through a sci-fi movie, or through a substance. This is a very prophetic New Moon though, so you may be dreaming more vividly and your hunches may be really good. This is an excellent new moon for any type of divination.

The Aries Equinox is coming up later this month. Equinox means ‘equal night’ so that’s when there’s an equal amount of daylight and night time. This is generally a day for ritual magic across many traditions. After the equinox on the 20th, the light is going to get longer and longer into the day as we head into summer.

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