Do You KNOW What You believe?

11 months ago

Do You KNOW what you believe?
I watched the movie "Left Behind" with Nicholas Cage today. It is a sad testimony of Christianity today. Many believe this movie to be scriptural. Like the tooth fairy, the Ishtar bunny and santa clause. Oh and don’t forget People swimming in a lake of fire for eternity. Flesh bodies flying around in the sky, people rising up out of the ground like a zombie apocalypse and reuniting with the flesh at the resurrection. Many Christians believe in popular doctrines but they don’t actually study what they really mean.
The movie was laughable. At the same time I could sense the Holy Spirit getting angry. It is an absolute mockery of the second coming of Jesus Christ. One of the glaring examples of the scriptural high jacking in the script was the peoples clothes were left and the body was gone. The implication being the flesh just flew away like a bird. If they actually understood what they are teaching they would know the flesh aint going anywhere but a hole in the ground. Being changed in the moment in the twinkle of an eye actually means a change of bodies not a translation of flesh bodies. There are only 3 examples of translation in the Bible; Moses, Elijah and Jesus and you aint one of them.
No getting around the fact that you gotta die to get to heaven. Your body will drop to the ground like a cheap suitcase when the Lord returns. It is appointed to man once to die.
One other fairy tale taught by rapture apologists is the resurrection scenario at the second coming. They believe all the people who have died throughout the ages will come out of their graves and reunite with the spirit body. What they don’t realize is that the resurrection already occurred when the person died. When you die you are resurrected into a spirit body. The dead in Christ are with Christ in Paradise and they will come back with Him at the second coming not rising up out of a hole in the ground or cremated ashes gathering back together from the bottom of the ocean.
There are so many false doctrines taught in the modern church and in its current state it is doomed to becoming a relic. They only teach a small portion of the Bible and what they do teach is filled with erroneous conclusions by people who have no business teaching.
If you actually looked at the meaning of the word rapture in the Greek it has nothing to do with the “gathering back” to Christ. You will not find the word in God’s Word.
The Greek meaning for the word Rapture---a displacement (of the mind), I am astonished, amazed; insane… I am out of my mind, am mad.
Is this how you want to be labled?

“Rapture” G # 1611 ekstasis: a displacement (of the mind), i.e. bewilderment, ecstasy Original Word: ἔκστασις, εως, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: ekstasis Phonetic Spelling: (ek'-stas-is) Definition: a displacement (of the mind), bewilderment, ecstasy Usage: (properly: distraction or disturbance of mind caused by shock), bewilderment, amazement; a trance.

G # 1839 existémi: to displace, to stand aside from Original Word: ἐξίστημι Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: existémi Phonetic Spelling: (ex-is'-tay-mee) Definition: to displace, to stand aside from Usage: (lit: I remove from a standing position), (a) in trans. tenses: I astonish, amaze, (b) in intrans. tenses: I am astonished, amazed; insane… I am out of my mind, am mad.
Gathering Back---Caught Up--- Clouds---Air OR? Displacement of the mind?
A closer look at the Greek word “Harpadzo”
Does the flesh body get harpazo?—Does the Spirit body get harpadzo?

At the heart of this debate is what happens to people who are caught up to meet the Lord at His second coming. Is their flesh body taken into the clouds to fly around in the air? Or are they changed in the moment of the twinkle of an eye to their spiritual body before meeting the Lord in the air? Rapture apologists claim the flesh body is snatched away from earth and millions of people will simply disappear at the rapture. When the great Harpadzo is fully understood it will be made clear what happens at the second coming. This also applies everybody who has died in the past.

The whole premise behind the rapture doctrine is flawed at the most basic level including the chronology.
To be absent from the flesh is to be present with the Lord...Right?
How do you meet the Lord in the air if you’re still in your flesh body flying around in the clouds?
You have to be absent from the flesh to be present with the Lord. – respectively.

It is important to keep the entire Bible in context. There are many verses that tell us what happens at the moment of death. There is not one flesh body in heaven and there never will be.
Below are the verses that tell us what happens at the moment of death or…”caught up”
Exclamation point below;
2 Corinthians 5:8 and Ecclesiastes 12:6 and 7 are explanations of the harpadzo which is the separation of the body and the spirit. The spirit is harpadzo away from the flesh body and separated. Not the flesh body harpadzo away from the earth and separated from it. Harpadzo.
The flesh body is not caught up in rapture from the earth.
The flesh body remains and the spirit is caught up.
The two verses below explain it perfectly

2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. (It doesn’t say you go lay in a hole in the ground)
Ecclesiastes 12:6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. (The dust is symbolic for flesh-carnal man-kind)
Your flesh body goes back to dirt and your spirit goes back to God.
The great Harpadzo… explained on an individual basis and also collectively at the second coming.

Let’s look at the rapture apologists go 2 scripture for the rapture doctrine;

1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Here are the Greek words that are key to understanding this verse.
“Caught Up” G 726 (har-pad'-zo) to seize, catch up, snatch away obtain by robbery. catch, seize, take by force.
This is where the rapture apologists go wrong. They believe the definition of harpadzo is the physical body being snatched away from earth and this is the basis of their argument for the rapture. If you look at the Greek word harpadzo closely and within context of the verses it is used, it better describes what happens at the moment of death as found in 2 Corinthians 5:8 and Ecclesiastes 12:6 and 7. Harpadzo describes what happens to the physical body when the spirit is snatched away from it. At that moment the celestial body goes back to God. (to seize, catch up, snatch away obtain by robbery) When a person dies their spirit is separated from their carnal body. The spirit goes back to God who gave it and the flesh body goes back to dust. This is what the word harpadzo means.
Only problem with the rapture is…they got the wrong body. Your flesh body isn’t going anywhere but to a hole in the ground.
Here is how fast this change of bodies will be.1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, (Limbo) but we shall all be changed, (to spiritual body)

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: (7th) for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. (The change is instantaneous)
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
The Celestial body is incorruptible and the terrestrial is corruptible
40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

Continuing in the word study

“Clouds” G 3509 nephos a dense crowd, a multitude, great company.
To me this is speaking of a great multitude of spiritual beings gathering back together at the second coming.
“Air” G 5590 “psuché” breath, the soul (a) the vital breath, breath of life, (b) the human soul,
This is the body you will be in---in the moment of a twinkle of an eye you are changed to your breath of life body at the second coming. This also applies to everyone who has died in the past.
Now again, the rapture believers turn this into a circus. They interpret this as; your flesh body flying around in the air and the clouds meeting Christ at the rapture.
“Air” G109 aér air, the lower air we breathe. From aemi (to breathe unconsciously, i.e. Respire; by analogy, to blow); "air" (as naturally circumambient)

Rapture teachers claim the Harpadzo is the flesh being snatched away but in reality it is the spirit being snatched away leaving the body behind.

Sounds like the people below been smokin somthin

rapture definition

[ˈrapCHər] NOUN a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
"Leonora listened with rapture" synonyms: ecstasy • bliss • euphoria • elation • exaltation • joy • joyfulness • joyousness • cloud nine • seventh heaven • transport • rhapsody • enchantment • delight • exhilaration • happiness • pleasure • ravishment • the top of the world • delectation NORTH AMERICAN (the Rapture) (according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.
"thousands of Christians gathered outside Rochester and other cities, awaiting the Rapture" VERB NORTH AMERICAN (be raptured) (according to some millenarian teaching) transport (a believer) from earth to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.
"people will be raptured out of automobiles as they are driving along"

Planes falling out of the sky because the pilot is raptured…same with buses, trains, cars, boats, nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers…on and on. People gone and their clothes remain.
It’s funny I can’t find this event anywhere in the manuscripts. The rapture doctrine has a hole in it a mile wide and it’s a basic misunderstanding of the Greek language.

It is rather ironic that the go-to word (harpadzo) for rapture apologists turns out to be their nemesis. Why would you want to drag that ole nasty flesh body halfway to heaven with you anyway?

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