Fox News Host Joins Socialist "Ban Assault Weapons" Narrative

6 years ago

First off Julie, "need" has nothing to do with whether or not Americans should be able to fully exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights. And yes, we do. If one is to look at the context for why the 2nd amendment was written, to prevent a tyrannical government from running roughshod over its people, then the people should be able, to some degree, match those that would seek to take them over.

Now before the typical socialist sheep start talking about missile launchers and tanks, there are already provisions that prevent the US Military from acting upon domestic soil against fellow Americans.

What the problem here is that this is nothing more than a "slippery slope action." "You" aren't banning the AR because of its function, you're banning it because it LOOKS SCARY to you.

And once this action would be done would open the door for additional measures, like banning all semi-automatic firing weapons. Then once that would be accomplished that would eliminate like 80 percent of all firearms manufactured and sold.

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