i wish that i was still a virgin but alas + ag sings Psalm 139

11 months ago

meet my patron Saint...Mary lived a very lustful lifestyle before she ran off to the desert to devote her life to God
the world hates pious people w/ a passion
if you're unaware of demonic forces you will succumb to them at some point
favorite Psalm 139
Psalm 9 is not divided into two parts
God is always the audience
the spiritual ones will always be funnier n more interesting
sorry if i am haughty, don't wanna be
you understand my thoughts from afar
your knowledge has become too wondrous for me
where could i go from your spirit?
God is everywhere all the time no matter what
and the night shall be bright as day
i guess my hatred is perfect
i hope God is not displeased, but i highly doubt it
anything done w/ a clean heart is gold
i have tried to cry n sing but it cannot be done
semantics shemantics...the gyst is the most important thing
paul spoke out about petty shit going on in the Church
it's none of yer business what other people are doin
i wanted to make sure that i wasn't twisting the Scripture to my liking
it's crucial to have yer own personal relationship w/ God
why would you try to put God in a box
sodomy is not justifiable
awwww that's so sad that little goose hurt himself but he has apparently gotten over it n moved on w/ his life
sodomy crap...GET IT
could it be possible that people are different
bored in govt school? women have solutions
it's a funny story now
once you start making stuff, you no longer wanna do yourself
good luck closing that door to total debauchery *why porn is bad
of course those that use it are gonna make excuses for it
hook up culture is not only immoral but a total waste of time
my instincts are usually correct
if you've made honest attempts to leave an immoral lifestyle then there's no reason to hold it over your head
i get offered every day at work haha
if i smoke pot i will never go on the internet again
i wouldn't be putting up thousands of videos on yt if i wasn't a good vlogger
anything that's important for 5min ain't important

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