WATCH TO THE END: TRAITORS! Space X only company launching DEW satellite energy weapons.

1 year ago

It's not China, Russia, or NK its AMERICA!
Everyone in Texas now believes the Direct energy weapon theory.

Elon Musk is the only person putting up satellites right now in great numbers. Russia has been limited, North Korea is barely able to get a rocket up, China is getting all of its designs from Musk. Reptilians, Musk, and many other traitors in the United States government (33 club) are working to laser American's homes, their heads, cause genocide worldwide and usher in the reptilian invasion. They are all hiding underneath some of our major metropolitan airports about 20 stories down to 2 miles. For a complete list of bases see this video. If you are a United States official arrests need to be completed now. If you are a citizen and want to protest or assist in arrests get to the launch pads! They are the source of the genocide.

Genocide stations

Putin Mad about low satellite launches

China is just beginning to launch Direct energy weapons. Can't be them. ITS MUSK

North Korea plans to launch 3 satellites

If you think Elon Musk, The CIA, Mossad, will stop at killing Texans you are out of you're mind they have already taken out Hawaii, parts of South America, CA, OR, and if the starship is deployed will be able to put up many more weapons.

We need collective action to shut down not only our border but the outflow of weapons from SpaceX! They are the main driver of all direct energy weapon attacks in conjunction with our government. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, The United States Government all branches are working for the Rothschilds and Reptilians to laser our homes, heads and kill us all.

Are we going to do something about it?
All launch pads need to be shutdown now.

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