319-Learn Longevity Secrets from Dr. Mario Martinez

1 year ago

319-Dr. Mario Martinez, a clinical neuropsychologist who established the Biocognitive Science Institute™ in 1998 (biocognitiveculture.com). He proposes, based on credible research evidence, that longevity is learned, and the causes of health are inherited. For the past 25 years, he has studied healthy centenarians (100 years or older) worldwide and found that only 20 to 25% can be attributed to genetics - the rest is related to how they live and the cultural beliefs they share.

This model suggests that higher numbers of centenarians (people who are 100 years old or older) will live healthier lives than cultures that view aging as a process of inevitable deterioration.

In addition to longevity, he also lectures on why our immune system is not just a protector. Instead, it responds to the cultural premises we learn to perceive the world. (biocognitive.com)

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