FDA Refuses to Enforce EUA Advertising Restriction — But Also Insists it Must Keep the Provision!

10 months ago

During the pandemic, ICAN witnessed many instances where state and federal public health entities falsely referred to COVID-19 vaccines released under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) as “approved” or “safe and effective” in direct violation of federal law and the conditions of the vaccines’ EUAs. ICAN’s attorneys sent two petitions to the FDA demanding it either enforce the terms of its own EUAs that prohibit advertisements with this illegal language or rescind the advertising restrictions entirely.  FDA chose to do neither.

Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq. lays out the details here.

Read ICAN's Legal Update here: https://icandecide.org/press-release/fda-refuses-to-enforce-eua-advertising-restriction-but-also-insists-it-must-keep-the-provision/

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