Does Jacob's Death End his Rothschild Globalist Tyranny?

11 months ago

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Does Jacob's Death End his Rothschild Globalist Tyranny?
Mike King - Founder -

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With the death of the Rothschild patriarch, self-thinking folks immediately wondered what impact this might have on the most important issue there is - slavery of domestic nations to the global Money Power.

Our Founders knew this threat, hence Thomas Jefferson's furious opposition to Alexander Hamilton’s central bank. Blamed for the 1817 Depression following our refusal to renew that bank, future president Andrew Jackson labeled as the “Den of Vipers” Rothschild’s banksters, when he killed the Second Bank.

Later, the classic, "Creature from Jekyll Island", told the story of the 1913 Federal Reserve plot, stemming from Rothschild’s cronies - Warburg, Rockefeller & Morgan.

The global Rothschild Junta even promised Britain to coerce an unwilling America to interlope in the First World War, in exchange for Britain’s support for the Zionist colony in Palestine. In the 1950s Communist whistleblower Bella Dodd warned these banksters had an actual satanic plan to wipe out Western family values.

And now with antisemitism weaponized to chill any criticism of Jewish Power (as happened recently with Hollywood celebrity Kanye West), the patriarch, Jacob Rothschild, has died. Does this end the dynastic bankster control? Can departure from the Fed (& UN) allow, finally, a return of the American Republic, divorced from tribal, foreign or global interests?

Mr. King is the author of many books on the New World Order, including “Planet Rothschild”, and the “Bad War”. His “Invisible Critic” series on each decade of American History is a must, for anyone wanting a chronicle of how Rothschild's tribe assumed global control. Nathan Rothschild a century ago threatened: "Give me control of a nation’s money supply & I care not who makes its laws."

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