Men Need To Be Heard (Ep:45) Paternity Fraud Exposed: An Expert's Legal Insight

6 months ago

For some time the issue of Paternity Fraud has lurked in the shadows. Rarely acknowledged or thought to be rare the reality is that it is much more prevalent than many suspect.

Recent studies in 2022 and 2023 estimate that as much as 12% of dads aren't the actual biological father of their child.

Roughly 30% of all DNA tests done when it is suspected that a father isn't the actual dad show that that is indeed the case.

Paternity Fraud which occurs when a mother either doesn't know who the actual father of her child is or who purposefully misleads a man into believing he is the biological father even though he is not, has long been ignored by politician's and the legal system however as knowledge of the issue becomes more wide spread attention is being brought to the matter.

Which is why I'm happy to have as my guest Randall (Randy) Kessler who is an expert on Paternity Fraud and whom has represented many men who've be mislead into believing they are the father of a child. First coming to prominence in the Carnell Smith case, Randy joins us to discuss what Paternity Fraud is, how prevalent it might be.

The potential legal ramifications for all of the parties involved and gives advice on how to find a lawyer and what to do if you suspect you are a victim of paternity fraud.

Join us for a lively and informative discussion and if you have questions or thoughts or want to share your story please feel free to comment below

If you want to find out more check out the videos on Randy's Youtube: @KSSfamilylawATL or visit his firms website

To Get Randy's Book: "Divorce: Protect Yourself, Your Kids and Your Future visit:

To read more about the Carnell Smith Case and his excellent book on how to stop paying child support for paternity fraud visit:

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