#542 HVAC Roundtable Marcio Martins of Redmond Distributing, Bill Ashton, Tyler Stott & Aaron Bond

1 year ago

Marcio of Redmond Distributing, Bill of Ashton Heating and Cooling, Tyler of Stott HVAC Systems and Aaron of Yes Plumbing and Heating, we discuss mentorship, rebate issues, pros and cons of heat pumps, degasification, building the best systems, maintenance, and investing in your employees. Tune in to find out what most people don't know about HVAC on this episode of The Construction Life Podcast.

Check out Redmond Distributing at CMPX on Thurs, March 21 at the Pint attached to the convention center. Find out how to get your free tickets in the bio @RedmondDistributing.

Find Marcio Martins of Redmond Distributing at RedmondDistributing.com, @RedmondDistributing. Reach out at 905-602-4588, Marketing@RedmondWilliams.com and MMartins@RedmondWilliams.com.

Find Bill Ashton of Ashton Heating and Cooling at AshtonHeating.ca and @AshtonHeat. Reach out at Bill@AshtonHeating.ca.

Find Tyler Stott of Stott HVAC Systems at StottHVACSystems.ca and @Stott_HVAC_Systems. Reach out at Tyler@StottHVACSystems.ca.

Find Aaron Bond of Yes Plumbing and Heating @Bond_Aaron. Reach out at Aaron@YesPlumbingandHeating.com.

Stay connected with The Construction Life Podcast by texting Manny at 416 433-5737 or emailing him at manny@theconstructionlife.com. If you have something to contribute to the podcast, email info@theconstructionlife.com to schedule a time to join us in studio.

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