Diverse Path: Knowledge and Wisdom

11 months ago

Join us on a journey of self-discovery and growth as we explore the diverse paths to attain knowledge and wisdom. For knowledge, it's like horizontal expansion; you can obtain it through reading and experiences. Whereas, for wisdom, it's like vertical expansion; you can only obtain it through deep meditation. When you possess wisdom, you can comprehend the unknown, which you can't attain through mere knowledge. Therefore, wisdom encompasses knowledge, whereas knowledge alone cannot encompass wisdom.

* Ella is the founder of EnlitenPath app (https://enlitenpath.com), which is the first enlightenment educational app. You can download it on app store and play store, to start your self enlightenment journey. Enjoy!
* If you like the video and want to support Ella, her PayPal is ellaislistening@gmail.com
* If your organization needs "EnlitenPath Mindfulness Training" (4 sessions/package), please write to ellaislistening@gmail.com

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