Apatros Action 52 Masochist: Chapter 53 - The Verdict

11 months ago

I finally give my Verdict on the overall quality of the infamous original NES multicart of Action 52, my Grade being of the multicart as a whole [calculated as an average from the grades of the individual games added together].
Despite the Grade being what it is, there are plenty of halfway-reasonable games in either execution or even the underlying concept, one game even being passable. The Action 52 NES multicart may have been something of a decent idea executed poorly, but by dint of its awesomely bad reputation back in the early 1990s and its subsequent status as a true Bad Game Cult Classic has made this otherwise mostly unholy piece of 8-bit hitsa worth its weight in gold-plated butt nuggets...

My Grade: D [Bad] (applies to multicart as a whole)

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