A Face Like Heaven with Rabbi Lazer Brody (Likutei Moharan - Torah 6:4)

11 months ago

This week, we learn how a person can attain such a lofty level of spirituality where his or her face can reflect the heavens.

Likutei Moharan is a collection of teachings and insights by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, encompassing a wide range of spiritual topics and profound wisdom, offering guidance for personal growth and connection to God.

Recorded by TORCH via TORCHzoom.com/Studio D (Houston, Texas) from a LIVE online presentation by Rabbi Lazer Brody (Ashdod, Israel) on March 7, 2024.
Released as Podcast on March 8, 2024
Rabbi Lazer Brody is an accomplished Torah scholar, world renowned lecturer, prolific author and the founder and leader of Emuna Beams.
To listen to other podcasts by Rabbi Lazer Brody: https://www.emunabeams.com and https://lazerbeams.com

Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe serves as the Director of TORCH since 2005.
To listen to podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: https://linktr.ee/ariwol
DONATE to EMUNA BEAMS: Please consider supporting the teaching of Emuna across the globe by Rabbi Lazer Brody at https://secure.cardknox.com/emunabeams. Thank you!

DONATE to TORCH: Please consider supporting the podcasts by making a donation to help fund our Jewish outreach and educational efforts at https://www.torchweb.org/support.php. Thank you!
SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe:
NEW!! Prayer Podcast: https://prayerpodcast.transistor.fm/episodes
Jewish Inspiration Podcast: https://inspiration.transistor.fm/episodes
Parsha Review Podcast: https://parsha.transistor.fm/episodes
Living Jewishly Podcast: https://jewishly.transistor.fm/episodes
Thinking Talmudist Podcast: https://talmud.transistor.fm/episodes
Unboxing Judaism Podcast: https://unboxing.transistor.fm/episodes
Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection: https://collection.transistor.fm/episodes
For a full listing of podcasts available by TORCH at https://www.TORCHpodcasts.com
EMAIL your questions, comments, and feedback: awolbe@torchweb.org
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