Interview 694 with Gilbert Vachon

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Here's a quick look at my mom's story.
- A good old mother who sacrificed her life, health for her family to make sure we wouldn't go through the same path as she and my dad did in the 30's & 40,s.
- Her reward was to die like a piece of meat left on the counter top rotting, suffering, neglected.
- The coroner mentioned at the conclusion of her report that my mom shouldn't have died that way, at that time, She would have needed appropriate care, Her death could have been avoided.
- Something to keep in mind is: the original coroner report was done in October 2011. The two final words on the conclusion were: "Natural Death". For ten years, I emailed, called the coroner every now and then to change those last two words. They always rejected my request. Until January 2021, again I emailed the new chief coroner asking her the same question to change those two words and again the same shit, request rejected again. Then I wrote a 99 page testimony with all the differences from the initial report and the brick of the medical report. March 2021, the chief coroner called me telling me that I was right. May 10th, the report was amended, it wasn't a natural death anymore. I felt on my knees thanking God & crying that finally I had a small victory, but the game wasn't over yet.
- With this new evidence, I asked the police department to reopen the judicial investigation so we could get those guilty persons under arrest. It went to the district prosecutors and they said to me that the evidence was not proof of criminal negligence. In our conversation between the prosecutors, myself, a police officer and a witness, they said somewhere around 15 times that my mom has suffered from neglect, that it was horrible, it goes beyond our understanding, and so on. But it was not enough to open a criminal investigation. (As we speak, I'm suing an investigator for not investigating in a professional and thorough manner).
In the attached file, you will find my book (PDF). Below is the synopsis of the book.
This book tells the story of a benevolent mother who, once placed in a LTCH, died as a result of the neglect to which she was subjected. It's also the story of a loving son who, in addition to having supported her to the end, decided, by all means, to piece together the pieces of the puzzle in order to understand the situation and do justice to his mother, who died in unusual circumstances. This novel, sometimes denunciatory, sometimes inspiring, is based on a true life experience and written with heart, in all authenticity and simplicity. Discovering the flipside of the coin and the implications of certain choices made at LTCHs in the past regarding the quality of our seniors' lives will leave no one indifferent. This book is intended for anyone interested in the reality of the seniors who built Quebec, but especially for caregivers, health care professionals and people working closely or remotely with this clientele, including the public service. Everyone knows that the wear and tear and wrinkles on their faces and hands are like a map that reveals the paths they have taken over time. Together, let's use this story to learn from our past mistakes, but more importantly, let's use it to build a better future so that our wise elders can be treated with dignity until their last breath. One step at a time, if family, staff and government work together, we can make it happen! Or at least, that's my most sincere wish in sharing her story with you...


I wrote the lyrics of this song for our elderly & vulnerable people who need attention and visits from their loved ones.
Our elders are in a way some sort of troopers, Lest We Forget!
I'm not making money with this song, I passed it to an Ontario english/french singer named Sacha-Lee Cadieux.
Please, your help to make this song viral would be appreciated so people can pull their heads out of the sand and start looking after our elders.

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