Plants vs Zombies 2 - Thymed Event - Luck o'the Zombie - March 2024

11 months ago

Luck o'the Zombie was offered between March 7, 2024 through March 17, 2024.

2,500 coins, 2 pinatas, 25 Hurrikale seeds and 50 Gold Bloom seeds are awarded for completing this event.

These 15 levels are based Saint Patrick's Day.

Rather than do all 15 levels using the same strategy, we showcase a different one for each level - all of which can be done with just the core plants. So you can choose the strategy which best suits your play-style and available plants.

• Selected means plant occupies a seed slot.
• Given means the plant is on the lawn.
• Chosen means what we selected.

00:00 Level 1 - Dragon Bruit selected. (Has intro dialogue.)
01:59 Level 2 - Dragon Bruit selected.
02:51 Level 3 - Snow Pea selected. Protect the endangered ones at R3C1, R2C2 and R4C2

04:42 Level 4 - Solar Sage selected. Spore-shroom chosen.
05:36 Level 5 - Dandelion given and selected.
06:46 Level 6 - Blover selected. A.K.E.E. chosen. Protect column 3. (Has intro dialogue.)

08:01 Level 7 - Blover selected. Laser Bean given and chosen. (Has outro dialogue.)
09:12 Level 8 - Chili Pepper selected. Guacodile chosen.
10:56 Level 9 - Homing Thistle selected.

12:13 Level 10 - Gold Bloom selected. Primal Peashooter chosen. (Has Intro.) Has Chilling Winds
14:07 Level 11 - Hypno-shroom given and chosen.
16:24 Level 12 - Blockoli selected. Lightning Reed given and chosen. (Has Intro.)

xx:xx Level 13 - Hurrokale selected. Primal Wall-nut and Spikerock chosen. Did not record.
17:52 Level 14 - Hurrokale selected. Repeater and Torchwood selected.
18:49 Level 15 - Gold Bloom and Zoybeam Pod selected. (Has Outro.)

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