Today in History Food Edition March 15, 2024

11 months ago

State Festivals
Annual Ostrich Festival
Green Mile Midtown Block Party
St Urho Days
Southern AZ Home Show
Rocky Mountain Horse Expo
River Days & Craft Brew Hullabaloo
Open Season Sportsman’s Expo
Razor Clam & Seafood Festival
Annual International Cherry Blossom Festival
Saint Longinus
Drunken Sausage Tortellini
Saint Louise de Marillac
Rice Pudding Brulee
Shri Ramakrishna Jayanti
Shahi Paneer
National Peanut Lovers Day
Caramel Corn
Pears Helene Day
Pears Helene
Annual Return of the Buzzards
Buzzard Delish Dr. Pepper Roast
1820 Maine became the 23rd state in the U.S.
Maine Venison Stew
1959 Duncan Hines died (born March 26, 1880)
Peep’s Brownie Batter
1965 Alan Stillman opened the first T.G.I. Friday's restaurant at 1st Avenue & 63rd St. in New York City.
Sizzling Chicken and Cheese (Copycat)
1980 McDonald's test marketed Chicken McNuggets in Knoxville, Tennessee
McDonald’s Aple Pie (Copycat)
1998 Benjamin Spock died (born May 2, 1903) American pediatrician and author of the best selling 'Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care' (1946)
Dr. Spock Baby Formula
2004 Martha Stewart resigned from the board of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia 10 days after her conviction in a stock scandal.
English Muffin Pizza Snack
Pizza Snack Variations

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