Can sins cause sickness? / WWY #shorts 26

7 months ago

Satan and his minions are attacking us on every level - spirit, soul, and body (1 Thess 5:23). So it makes sense that sin also affects us on every level. When we miss Yah's / God's ideal for us, whether we miss the mark intentionally or unintentionally, that opens up the door for the enemy to oppress us. In the bible, we are referred to as temples, houses, etc. What do these do? They/we house entities.

Our bodies are just an expression of who we are spiritually.

On a side note, there are ministries that aim to link particular sins to particular areas of the body as they correspond. But I've also experienced demons that roam throughout the different body parts as well.

Thankfully, Yeshua / Jesus wants to heal us if we repent however that needs to be done - as He leads.

Reference: Mat 9:1-8 / Mark 2:1-12, John 5:14

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