Episode #67: Defending the Restored Gospel From The C.E.S. Letter W/Sarah Allen

10 months ago

Back in 2015 there was a letter that was published that shook many peoples testimony of the Restored Gospel. That letter was authored by a man named Jeremy Runnells and was addressed to an employee of the Church Educational System that letter became known as the CES letter. In the letter Mr. Runnels attacks foundational truth claims of the Restored Gospel and Joseph Smith. On this episode I have on Sarah Allen. Sarah is a life-long devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and a volunteer for Fair Mormon which is a group dedicated to providing informed well documented answers to Gospel questions. In our conversation Sarah provides well documented and accurate historical data to refute some of the letters most well-known accusations. Stick around to get equipped to defend the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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