Episode #105: A Conversation W/Sara Decker Host Of "From The Dust Podcast"

1 year ago

For many years if you were a Mormon who wanted to practice Mormonism outside the mainstream LDS Church you could bet that you would encounter push back. Well today we live in a different world where that push back for the most part is gone. Now this is all well and good but we who enjoy being able to live Mormonism outside the LDS Church owe a debt of gratitude to those older generations that have preserved the truth for us. The best way I can think of repaying that debt is to now come out of the shadows and let our voices be heard. Today I sit down and have a conversation with a woman trying to do just that. Sara Decker comes on to talk about her new podcast “From The Dust”. We talk about here experience in the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, How & why she made the decision to separate from the LDS Church, Where she got the idea to make a podcast, & what the podcast will cover. Along the way we stop to discuss a wide range of Gospel Principles.

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