Playful Kitten Spins Himself Dizzy Chasing Shiny Foil Toy

6 years ago

There are number of toys made specifically for cats that are meant for them to leap and swat at while the toy is held in the air. We usually don't see cats take the toy for themselves but…

Kittens lose their minds for shiny and crinkly toys!

The adorable white spotted kitten in this video grabs the handle end of her toy. At the other end of the toy is a ball made up of long strips of crinkly, multicolored foil. We did some research about cat toys for this one. From what we have read, it turns out that cats enjoy crinkly foil type toys because of their hunter instincts. Unlike dogs who have lost a bit of their forefathers and foremothers hunting abilities, housecats still have most of theirs and much of their 'play' is kind of practice for hunting. So, why crinkly foil toys? Research has been done that suggest that the crinkly sound is reminiscent of prey moving through grass and other plants, especially dry grass. We did see some claims that it also reminds cats of nesting, but we don't put too much stock in that. Which, brings us back to our kitten hero and his spinning.

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