March 7th, 1965 This day in history "Bloody Sunday" Selma AL 3/7/24

11 months ago

March 7th, 1965, this day in history.
Now today, Jews are being persecuted and are often deprived of their rights to exist, Christians today are also being persecuted worse than even in 2024 right here in America. Where is all this coming from? Who is organizing, funding and fomenting all this violence against good people? Having lived in Communist Red China for 34 years, I know from experience what the CCP and Xi Jin Ping are attempting to do to our American Constitution and our American Republic. Pray, we need to see both EXPOSURE of the plan and also of the perpetrators, especially the CCP funded traitors here in the USA. March 7th, 2024 Bonifay, Florida

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