Dr. Charles Hoffe Trial Update - March 7, 2024

11 months ago

Dr. Charles Hoffe's discplinary trial in British Columbia for spreading COVID "misinformation" has been postponed, as the College's lawyers dumped a massive trove of documents on Dr. Hoffe's lawyer last minute. They are also seeking to have all their basic assertions uncontested by getting them recognized on Judicial Notice, which is a legal term designed to eliminate the need for arguing over facts that are uncontestably true. Of course, in this situation, the entire trial depends on Dr. Hoffe's assertions about whether the vaccine is safe or not, whether the health mandates were proper or not. If all the College's assertions were taken at face value, there would be no need for a trial. This latest move has caused Dr. Hoffe's lawyer to hire 4 more lawyers to go through the documents and submit a response in time. To help out Dr. Hoffe with this significant new expense please go to https://www.fundingthefight.ca/donate.

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