Tomi Lahren/Piers Morgan say what most people are thinking

1 year ago

IMO only the perverted care about another's sexuality. No one cares who people find attractive. It does not need to be celebrated or glorified. It is wild that there are people who feel the need to be cheered for who they like. The pride parade is a disgusting spectacle in itself. People are walking around naked or nearly naked, flaunting and behaving like they live in sodom & gomorrah. Not right whether its straight or gay folks. Children are at those parades and these ppl dont care about their innocence. Not only do they not care, not even the naive parents see an issue with it.
There is a reason why pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.
But democrats embrace this crap...why? Personally, I think its because it sows division. I think they feel the more chaos they allow to happen (i.e.,border, pandemic,prices, wars, crime, damaging race relations, riots) the more power they can grab. There was a politician who is popular today who stated something like, always see issues as an opportunity, and now they've succumbed to creating issues.

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