7Mar24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED

1 year ago

(2:00) Speaker Johnson Budget Betrayal — govt AND debt continues to grow unabated.  The games they're playing and the pork earmarks they've hidden as Easter Eggs
(16:40) If At First You Don't Secede… A quarter of Americans want to SECEDE, much more in some states.  Is this the best option?
(21:03) Beware "Experts"
• ATF "Expert" stumped live on camera trying, and failing, to disassemble a Glock.  Knows guns like he knows the Constitution
• Expert witness in "Rust" movie shooting repeatedly violates the most basic safety rules in the courtroom, including pointing his gun — AT THE JUDGE.  Verdict returned on the movie Armorer
(37:01) NC gets smarter?  Throws out state Superintendent of Schools who is defeated in primary by a homeschooling mom

(40:54) WATCH the GOP nominee for governor — "there ain't but TWO genders"

(58:33) Harbinger: Chaos & Crime Answered with Soldiers on Subway & Streets.  Militarized police aren't enough in answer to government-created chaos.  Now they're taking the next step — military AS police and security checkpoints around transportation centers
(1:08:27) Camaro car thefts are up 1,000% in LA — here's why
(1:16:00) It's election time so Harvard FINALLY drops vaccine mandate
(1:24:44) Dec 7, 2020: Trump's "Day of Infamy" When Military Vax Mandates Were Ordered by Donald A familiar defense of Trump is that although he began lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and created the poison jab — he didn't mandate it.  Wrong.  His Executive Order, Dec 7, was exactly what Biden did in September.  And, Commentator Bill Mitchell comes up with THE MOST ABSURD LIES to defend what he knows Trump did wrong

(1:31:45) INTERVIEW Will 311 Start Banking Crisis? Bitcoin & Gold hit ATH.  The Fed Reserve and fed government is its own worst enemy as people flee to safer havens than the fiat dollar, betting against hyper-debt and more inflation. Is the banking crisis going to kick into high gear on 3/11 or will they kick the can down the road? Tony Arterburn, DavidKnight.gold, joins
(2:11:08) Answering more fanboy excuses for Trump turning into a globalist minion in 2020: 
• Nobody died from vaccine under Trump
• Trump's shot was a "placebo" (Sugar Water?)
• Forrest Trump didn't know what was happening (Run Forrest, Run)
• He didn't mandate jabs (he DID) — it's YOUR decision and if you were hurt it's YOUR fault
(2:16:24) "Trump's New Ad" — LOL 

(2:25:17) mRNA Trump shots exposed as a TOTAL LIE.  Even Fauci admits.  But media, both mainstream and BigCon Trumpsters, ignore
(2:40:45) "Christian Nationalism" is NOT a Theological Debate — It's a Power/Money Grift & an Attempt to Silence
(2:45:47) Now Pepsi selects an openly pedophile transgender as product spokesman

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