Episode #117: Fighting The War Against the Adversary For The Souls Of Our Children W/Nate Richardson

9 months ago

Through out time every murderous dictator has always made sure that special attention was paid to win the hearts and minds of the youth. Mao had the Red Guards, Stalin had the RKSM, and Hitler had the Hitler Youth. Now let me ask you a question. If all of these dictators had a plan for kids, do you think the adversary of us all might have a program dedicated to our youth? If you’re like me the answer is yes. Now if you have any doubts this just look around at how children conduct themselves. When we look objectively at this I think it becomes clear that we are in a war for our children against the adversary. One of his best weapons in this war for our children is to create the absence of parental guidance to our children. Today Nate Richardson comes on the podcast to discuss the collapse of parenting. We go over what our children participating in, what they are exposed to, how the adversary has taken parents out of their roles, and finally what we can do as parents to pick our mantles as parents to fight this war for the souls of our children.

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