"Hilarious Baby Burbling"

7 years ago

"Baby noises are sooo funny! Take a look at the video where a mom moves her finger up and down over the baby's lips, making the hilarious burbling sounds. Aside from being funny, this little girl is super cute! What a beautiful baby!nBabies make a lot of unusual sounds. They need assistance for burbling but they are capable of producing many other funny sounds by themselves. They can squeal like piglets, making the high-pitched noises that will get your attention every time. At times they grunt, usually in the middle of number two. They often growl as if they’re unleashing their inner animal, however, it’s just a reflex. And finally, the cutest sound babies can produce is babbling. You know babbling - when babies engage in a full monologue, in a language of their own. Is there anything more adorable than babies? We don’t think so! So, check out this video and see just how cute this burbling baby is!"

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