#108 – Patriot Academy

11 months ago

While the Church was instrumental in the American Revolution and once stood as an agent for righteousness and cultural stability, it’s not only largely silent, but in many ways it has bought the lie of the separation of church and state, embraced woke ideology and compromised the truth. Today’s guest is an expert in American History, the Constitution, and what it will take to RESTORE & KEEP this American Republic we call the greatest nation on Earth. 

Meet Rick Green.

Rick is America's Constitution coach and the Founder & President of Patriot Academy. He is a former Texas State Representative, a lawyer, and a successful entrepreneur who has built several businesses from the ground up.

His goal is to help America become salt and light in every area of life and to understand America’s Godly history and foundation. He is the HOST of an incredible show called 'The Tavern' which is hosted on the Warrior Poet Society Network with John Lovell.


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