My 2 Lampstands ELIJAH & MOSES are about to come down... Says YaHuWaH 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

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My 2 Lampstands ELIJAH & MOSES are about to come down

August 15, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord… I have looked upon all the souls who dwell under Heaven, I have waited upon those who call of themselves by My name, calling to them, yet only blasphemy is heard… Many harsh and unfeeling answers. Therefore, let the dead care for the dead, and let the mocker fall in the midst of their calamity; let every scoffer walk in the valley with the desolate.

For My anger sleeps no longer, and the fire of The Lord is kindled! The cities of men have raged against Me!… And the city of innocent blood shall be torn in pieces! Says The Lord.

Behold, I called to the sea, to the great multitude of waters, and there was no answer. I shouted to the Earth and blew the trumpet upon the four winds of heaven, yet no cry was heard, no response was lifted up to Heaven.

Only raised fists were seen, many milling about gnashing upon their teeth, lashing out against their neighbor. So I turned My face away from them, and set My back against the sea… And the Earth, it was forsaken. Then, a great cry was lifted up, and oh such a sorrowful sound was heard.

So I said to My two lampstands… „Take a coal from the fire which surrounds the altar, and eat of it… Consume it fully and go down. For I have made these people as kindling, and this multitude as wood, that they may come and fight against you, that they may be given up to the flame… Open your mouths wide, that they may be consumed!“

For I have prepared an offering, lo it is prepared and waits for its time, says The Lord God of Israel… For indeed I tell you… The Lord your God reveals it to you… Elijah and Moses are about to come down! Says YaHuWaH.

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