Elijah McClain, Trump, IVF Drama | Thu 3-7-24

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Elijah McClain, "Rest In Power… Chin up, kings!" People judging Trump. Interesting calls! In Vitro Fertilization drama.

The Hake Report, Thursday, March 7, 2024 AD

0:00:00 Start (Men's Forum tonight!)
0:01:13 Topics / Crishaun back tomorrow!
0:02:27 Hey, guys! Sky blue tee (s/o Kevin Howe)
0:04:24 Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday! (L.A., CA)
0:05:37 Elijah McClain medic sentenced 5yrs
0:23:40 WILLIAM, CA: Interesting week. Living in the past. Changing world
0:30:25 WILLIAM: black power, was it ever needed?
0:36:20 JEFF, LA: Panera, Newsom, SOTU ("comedy special")
0:38:49 JEFF: Trump's mind, speculation; Biden decline; debates
0:42:54 JEFF: Trump didn't do it for money or blackmail. Ego?
0:46:23 WILL, AUSTRALIA: Thx. JLP reminds of father; Calm energy
0:50:44 DeMoCrAcY, cLaSsiFiEd DoCuMeNtS, Trump hate (Stormy, LGBT flag)
1:02:17 Starflyer 59 - "Thin as a Needle" (2004, The Last Laurel EP)
1:06:06 Super Chats ("Coffee") Elder VP? Capital Punishment (CP)?
1:15:29 SHAWN, FL: Path to JLP/shows, Hake's upbringing
1:27:45 SHAWN: Secret Society of Magical Negroes (movie)
1:30:12 IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) "reproductive rights" (don't worry, regret)
1:39:32 JEFF, OH: Ego in earning a degree? Pride? Apprenticeship?
1:46:42 JOE, AZ: Trump, Stormy, CFO charged
1:49:47 JOE: Horse Christian vet told me Romans 12: 19-20 (no revenge)
1:50:10 Assorted Jelly Beans - "Wiggerside" (1998, What's Really Going On!?!)

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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