WTFR The Pushback 06-03-2024

11 months ago

Bloody tinfoil hatters at it again!

This week, the usual resistors of cruel & unusual punishments & state imposed jizyas - Joss, Colin, Leo, Chris #2 & Emma (the star lady) are joined by Damon, who has spent most of the day round Joss's gaff.

Anyway, here we are seated round a rectangular ex-tree for a rectangulartable discussion about those pesky reptilians & how they're planning to eat our brains or disrupt our heart rhythms this week. Leo tickled our eardrums with wise & witty words, & Chris preached about young mothers who care more about their phones than their children. He also told us he likes to sniff old books.

Emma filled us in about plummeting planets & shooting stars, & how they're going to do our heads in this week.

Damon loafed on the sofa & talked about consciousness & dreams, whilst being axed to death by Emma's son (don't worry, it was a toy axe).

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