AYFKM? After Putin's Invasion Of Ukraine, John Kerry Is Most Upset With Russia About … Emissions

1 year ago

While Americans may be sick and tired of endlessly funding Ukraine in their border war initiated by Russia, most people understand that Vladimir Putin is a very bad actor and a ruthless tyrant, and that Russia should be condemned for any number of actions committed against Ukraine. The nation has been accused of any number of war crimes, including the use of prohibited weapons, sexual violence, targeting civilians, and torture. But if you ask John Kerry, Russia's biggest crime in the war is … too many emissions. Thank God the adults are back in charge, right? UNREAL: John Kerry says people would 'feel better' about the war in Ukraine if Russia would 'make a greater effort to reduce emissions.'

Yes, of course. We would ALL feel better about Russia's invasion of Ukraine if they would just use EV tanks and solar panels on the wings of their aircraft. While they're at it, disable the engines on their ships in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov and just hoist some sails. Wind powered tanks is the only solution! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIBEt73X0AAJY3p?format=jpg&name=large -- It's also important to make sure that they use sustainably sourced grenades which can easily be identified relative to conventional grenades by the sticker when buying them at the grenade market. Every little bit helps. Shop wisely, Russian invaders.

Kerry, the State Department's Special Envoy for Climate, is not a serious person. This speech is all the proof anyone would ever need to confirm that. He really is the epitome of "Useless Government Official". He's worse than useless. He is actually harmful. America does have enemies. Serious ones. And we can't imagine how much they laugh and laugh whenever someone from the Biden administration steps out of the clown car and up to a microphone.

• More at: Twitchy - AYFKM? After Putin's Invasion of Ukraine, John Kerry Is Most Upset With Russia About … Emissions

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