Media Blackout as 56 Percent of States Enact Constitutional Carry | Facts Matter

1 year ago

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On Tuesday, Louisiana became the 28th state in the nation to pass something known as constitutional carry.
In practical terms, the constitutional carry laws strengthen the Second Amendment rights of people living in those particular states by allowing citizens to conceal carry their weapons without a government-issued permit.
Basically, as long as you are a legal gun owner, you are now allowed to conceal carry within the state—with the idea being that such a right is bestowed upon you by the Constitution itself.
Essentially, in these states, the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the only “permit” that you need to carry a gun.
Despite the rhetoric being amplified by the mainstream media about how “limiting access to guns is the popular consensus opinion,” in reality, it’s the exact opposite.
Over the past 30-odd years, people across the country have elected representatives to their local state legislatures who then subsequently expanded gun rights.
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