~Satanic Psychopaths~

1 year ago


How much proof do people need?


The Bohemian Grove and The Nuclear Weapons Industry: Some Connections


Bush, the son of a billionaire, was strangely living in the most impoverished place in America, Brownsville; living nearby to and also inside the headquarters of a Satanic Cult of which he was a member. Bush disappeared for three days during which ALL of the other of his fellow Cult Members was slaughtered. After he reappeared he could not explain where he had been. The local prosecutor continued to pursue Bush, sole Cult survivor, on mass murder charges for six months thereafter, heavily pressured by Daddy Bush to stop the investigation. For asking these questions the reporters were threatened with reprisals later by Bush and thereafter have feared for their life. Currently, as to 2004, Bush and Kerry have long been members of a Satanic Cult, Skull & Bones (Yale).



The mexican or morrocan with an eye missing, he pulled off his Raybans one day trying to intimidate me, used to pull in and eat at his fast food, it was like in a slow motion dream, the mexican shoveling lard out of the cardboard box into the french fryer, my babysitter neighbors from Reno were there one day, strange days for sure; they also showed up at Motel666 in Williams California, with those ugly biker looking guys watching me, denial worked for me at that time, and the man in the distinctive Honda chasing off that long haired guy with a scar on his face driving a gray color of death Cadillac at the store on 116 right before 101; only found his picture one time on the internet, am convinced he is one of those that perpertrated that pure Evil at Fort Bragg.
The store clerk said his sister knew him he had paid his dues and is a nice guy. Wrong!
Am convinced that he is the one who murdered that little girl at Fort Bragg, once you have sold your soul, there is no going back.

Number 6 motel 666 that I have been gangstalked at.


Wealthy Satanists:








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