What do to if you are feeling tired, sluggish, or bloated?

10 months ago

Are you feeling tired, sluggish, or bloated?

The Liver Cleanse Drink can help you feel better by supporting your liver's natural detoxification process.

1 Bunch Of Celery Leaves (Cut The Top Of The Celery)
1 Lemon
1 Cup Cilantro
1 Cucumber
1 Cup Parsley
2 Cups Spinach

Helps with:
Celery: Inflammation
Cilantro: Detoxes heavy metals
Parsley: Anti-aging and bacterial
Cucumber: Hydration and flushes
Lemon: Energizes and oxygenates

•Alkalizing to the body
•Gives you a boost of energy
•Great for hydration
•Supports digestion
•Reduces cholesterol
•Treats high blood pressure
•Helps prevent ulcers

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