Chinese Investors Rush Abroad

6 months ago

03/06/2024 FirstPost: Chinese investors are rushing abroad. The sales of QDII (Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor) funds are up by 50% compared to last year. At the same time, investments in Chinese mutual funds are down by almost 35%. China's foreign investments hit a 30 year low in 2023. So the investors clearly think that China is not the best bet.
03/06/2024 FirstPost 新闻:中共国投资者正在快速外逃。 “境外宝”代客境外理财业务(合格境内机构投资者)基金销售较去年增长了50%。 与此同时,对中共国共同基金的投资下降了近 35%。 2023年,中共国的外商投资创30年新低。投资者显然认为中共国不是最好的选择。

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