COLORADO’S SCHEME BENCH SLAPPED BY SCOTUS: Right Wing's Victory Lap Lacks Forward Momentum

11 months ago

In a landmark unanimous decision, SCOTUS dismantles Colorado's audacious attempt to undermine the ballot process, delivering a stern bench slap to overreach. Yet, the right wing's response, a mix of jubilation and complacency, raises questions about missed strategic opportunities for a more assertive pushback in defending electoral integrity and democracy. This pivotal moment not only underscores the judiciary's role in safeguarding democratic norms but also signals a crucial juncture for conservative strategy, urging a shift from passive celebration to proactive advocacy and action.

#SCOTUS #ColoradoScheme #BenchSlapped #RightWing #ElectoralIntegrity #UnanimousDecision #VictoryLap #StrategicOpportunity #DefendDemocracy #JudiciaryRole #ConservativeStrategy #ProactiveAdvocacy #ShiftMomentumContinue



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