How to prep for the second coming of the Lord Matt 4-7.

6 months ago

For 1680 years, since the apostacy away from the Hebrew and Greek Bible, Judas 3 Christianity, the kingdom of heaven, and salvation brought down from heaven 2 Thess. 2:10, humanity has been under a strong delusion 2 Thess. 2:11. Satan, the father of all liars, the second horseman of the apocalypse, the man of sin, the Antichrist has been ruling over the kingdoms of men by pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:3-4, the Holy Spirit, a messenger of light, a lizard person or whatever so that he could steal our peace Rev. 6:4, sanity, ability to reason, and be the architect of all human suffering Job; James 5:7-11. His lies about how the ways of men are as good, if not better than the ways of God, have convinced us that Christ does not have all authority. Since the ways of God, His Bible, Christianity, Kingdom, etc. are as high as the heavens above the ways of men, and exceeding abundantly greater than we could imagine Eph. 2:20; Isa. 55:8ff.
The bibles of men were necessary, so Christ could be murdered by their authority cf. LXX 1 Cor. 2:6-16. For free moral agency to exist and to establish the two different sides of spiritual warfare: supernatural objective truth of the one true faith from God the Sword of the Spirit Matt. 10:34; John 8:32, peace on earth and agape love for all men - the wisdom from above versus the suffering from the mega sword of every wind of the doctrine of men Rev. 6:4; James 5:7-11, including famines, starvation, human trafficking, and de-population agendas which opposite the hidden will of the Lord Eph. 1:9 to have billions in the second age of the Kingdom Luke 13:19. Everything that modern man believed they knew about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Christianity, Spiritual warfare, and the Bible Christ rules over His kingdom with, is all lies from Satan the prince of the power of the air who will continue to rule over this world for 43 more years John 12:31ff. Satan's rule was only possible because the Lord hid away His face, power, glory, and majesty, but the Bible is back, in part with the second coming of the Sword of the Spirit I Cor. 13:9-12; Micah 7:15 and we are in the last days of the ways of men.
The Second Coming of the Kingdom of Heaven is about 43 years, the last days, or end times of Satan's rule over the second age of the kingdoms of men, the last days of human suffering James 5:7-11 as modern man transitions from the apostasy of the kingdoms of men 2 Thess. 2:3 back to the kingdom of heaven. If the Lord has granted to you the ability to understand the mysteries of the kingdom and about how Satan, the man of sin, now a demon is ruling over the kingdoms of men, stealing our peace, sanity, and ability to reason by pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:3-4; Matt. 13:11 and lying about everything, you can start prepping for the kingdom of heaven Acts 17:30; Matt. 7:21ff.: Rev. 18:4, etc.

First, we must acquire a copy of the Sword of the Spirit, the Bible in part, where some of the lies of Satan have been exposed, i.e. that Satan, is the man of sin, 2 Thess. 2:3-4 stealing our peace by pretending to be God, the Holy Spirit, a messenger of light, a lizard person, or whatever to convince us that Christ does not have all authority. For 43 years, I have been granted some wisdom from above so that I could remove some of the lies of Satan from the bibles of men so that we can now start reading the Lord's warnings about His second coming. While reading through that Bible and fighting the good fight of faith, you will realize Satan has lied to us about everything, the Bible is not of private interpretation and is only now being restored by our understanding of the dual prophecy of 2,000-year-old Hebrew and Greek Bible that completed and was delivered once and for all time to Christians, by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in 70 AD Judas 3; Rev. 22:18ff.; Dan. 12:4; Joel 2; Acts 2:17-21., etc. We have not had the Bible at all Gal. 1:6-10, that soon/in 43 years only the Lord will be sanctified and glorified Lev. 10:3; Rev. 22:20. The ways of God are as high as the heavens above the ways of men, exceeding abundantly greater than we ever could have imagined Isa. 55:8ff; Eph. 3:20 ff.

Second, we must start learning how to worship God in agape love with the supernatural objective truth from the Bible John 4:23. Start praying the prayer our Lord teaches us to pray for the Kingdom in 43 years. We cannot do anything right or even begin to come out of the matrix of the spiritual dark ages until we start learning how to love the Lord our God and each other with agape love.
Third, recognize that we are poor in spirit. We must approach the only mediator between God and man, in all humility, as children.

Fourth, we must mourn. Even though we had no choice but to be under Satan's rule Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30 how can we not mourn the fact that we have been in apostasy and without the Royal Law of Agape Love, AKA The Perfect Law of Liberty, AKA The Rod of Iron for the past 1680 years Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30; Rev. 10:9-10; James 5:7-11.

Fifth, we must meekly start to overcome the ways of men Rev. 2, 3 and men and obey the commands of the Lord as we fight the good fight of faith if we want to escape the second coming of the world being destroyed by fire, or space weather in 43 years; Heb. 10:25; Rev. 8; 2 Pet. 3 just before the Lord's Sabbath. One day, the Lord's Sabbath is, one day to the Lord, but to men, it is one thousand years divided into two ages by Satan's rule over the kingdoms of men Eph. 2:7.

Sixth, We must hunger and thirst after righteousness/the doctrine of God rather than the doctrine of men that is destroying us. Understand why the heavenly Father spoke from heaven and said, " HEAR HIM!" Eph. 5:17; Matt. 17:5

Seventh, we must show mercy for every man, woman, and child forgiving them of their sins against us, before we even dare to ask the Father to forgive us.
Eighth, start learning how to be pure in heart, doing or thinking nothing without agape love to all.

Ninth, start learning how to do your part to help bring peace to this world, start the limited commission as soon as possible, by sharing the Sword of the Spirit, the Bible in part, to all who are interested. One faith from God Christians, who live through the last days of the kingdoms of men will be the pillar and ground of truth. You will be refreshing your studies of the Hebrew and Greek Bible delivered once and for all time to the saints Judas vs. 3, as the Lord grants you wisdom from above, as you fight the good fight of faith Dan. 12:4; James 1:5; Eph. 6.

Tenth, Take up your cross and be ready to die in the second age of the same Spiritual war that murdered Christ in the first century. Christ says, "Put your hand to the plow and never look back" Luke 9:62!

Eleven, rejoice and be exceedingly glad, as you morn, because there are only 43 years left of human suffering, without the good Shephard, Father of all mercies and comforts with every spiritual blessing in Christ Rev. 22:7; James 5:7-11; John 12:31ff.

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