The 1st Book of AḎAM & ḤAWWAH / Adam & Eve 20 - I Read My Scriptures! ❤️ 📖

9 months ago

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Today's Reading:
1 Then Aḏam cried and said, “O Elohim, take us away to some other place, where the serpent can not come near us again and rise against us. For I fear that it might find your handmaid Ḥawwah alone and kill her, for its eyes are hideous and evil.”

2 But Elohim said to Aḏam and Ḥawwah, “Don’t be afraid. From now on, I will not let it come near you. I have driven it away from you and from this mountain. I will not leave in it the ability to hurt you.”

3 Then Aḏam and Ḥawwah worshipped before Elohim and gave Him thanks and praised Him for having delivered them from death.

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