
11 months ago

Pope Francis continues his path of destruction for the Catholic Church. His sinful declaration, Fiducia Supplicans is still rightly facing much resistance around the world. The declaration "blesses" "same-sex unions," thus it blesses sin. It thus is virulently anti-Catholic. It seems that Francis wants to eliminate the idea of sin in the Catholic Church, except if one attends the Mass of the Ages, the Latin Mass or uses plastic straws. But now, seeing this strong resistance to Fiducia Supplicans, Francis and the Vatican have sickly claimed that the GREAT Pope Benedict XVI would have approved this heretical document. The depths they will sink to push perversion seems to know no bounds. The totally absurd claim doesn't even deserve a response, but Pope Benedict would be aghast at such a declaration of course.
Francis now is making noise about female deacons and lifting the celibacy requirement for priests and allowing married priests, all which would wreck the priesthood. In the past he has spoken against such ideas, but that is an ongoing pattern for him. condemn something and then come out for it at a later time.
Francis is at least continuing to act as an infiltrator into the Catholic Church. He must be resisted.

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