Exposed: Man Ruined By Weaponized #MeToo Accusation By A Wicked Liar Bipolar Emo Fat Pig

9 months ago

In this ESP Exposing Shitty People episode 2... Sadly folks, the worst has happened... Im the victim of a bogus #MeToo claim from a liar hypocrite fabricator...She like many females in American society have caught on to the fact that they can abuse our justice system on a man at any time on a whim just by saying he did something - making a claim, an accusation. Often no proof is needed, none is found, and you have no rights in this corrupt weaponized system... We see this #MeToo fake victim economy bandwagon movement metastasizing and being increasingly popular and fashionable to weaponize against any guy a female decides she doesnt like, or something he said. Just make up a story and the state will believe it all, #BelieveAllWomen right? Because half of the human population could never lie or make up stuff to hurt a man for revenge, the most common motive, right? Think again. Western women have become corrupted, weaponized against good men, meanwhile your govt imports the worlds most hardcore criminals into the US to run rampant in our communities. What an inverted clown world we live in. Does anyone care/ Anyone give a shit that the USA is now a corrupt tyrannical police commie fascist state with no human rights no constitutional rights, no semblance of its former great American dream. This country is over, when there is no rule of law, when its two tiered and corrupt. Youll notice this police clown investigator never pursued this girls real rapist. They dont care about justice, the truth, or whats right. This system is corrupt to the core, satanic, and most people around this country see it. The USA is over when the legal system, the state, is this weaponized against the people. Anyone care? Anyone give a shit? I wonder... The American Dream, of freedom, IS DEAD. Case in point. See for yourself, in this expose on the damage of #MeToo bogus allegations and the weaponized state. Godspeed I dont know if Ill ever see anyone again. In that case, Godspeed, dont believe the lies about me, or the lies in the world. Seek nothing but truth, the light, which will set you free. Ultimately my conscience is clear, I never wronged or harmed or inflicted any ill will on anyone in this life. The only person Ive harmed is myself, with my mistakes and foolish decisions on who I associated with, my gullibility. I am not what the liars claim or insinuate I am, and everyone who knows me knows whats spoken here is the truth. Cant call me the R word, the P word, or whatever other smears you might have. I dont care, kiss my ass when you dont know half the damn truth, just assume like the rest of the sheep, who believe what theyre told. For those who are awake and know the truth, they know, Ive been nothing but good to all my friends, family, and girlfriends. So farewell everyone. Jason Drogeda out. Truth, Light, Godspeed.

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