WHAT? My Favorite Pastor is an Adulterer, Wolf, Liar, Ear Tickler & Blind/IGNORANT? RAPTURE 16 FACTS

10 months ago

Here's the truth: Most pastors don't even know the Bible fluently and for those who talk like they do, here's why they are cowards to not tell people the truth. The Bible describes the end days, and the Bible is 100% accurate. This starts off with a song that I wrote on March 4, 2021 after receiving the tune and first verse and then sitting down to write the other verses hearing what the Holy Spirit told me to sing. After that I give 16 facts about the rapture and show the Bible verses proving the lyrics to the song and the rapture time lines. Most all pastors are going to be left behind, and they have blood on their hands for not teaching their churches that marriage is only one man to one woman for one lifetime. They do weddings for divorced people and don't tell them to not get remarried because that is what the Bible says. Either they are cowards and want your money to be in their church, apathetic and blind, are wolves in sheep's clothing, telling you what your itching ears want to hear or they are completely ignorant of much of the Bible and just preach on the easy, feel good verses.

This includes a song the Lord gave me on March 4, 2021 @ 2:22 p.m. - Save A Pastor Who's Not Going In The Rapture....
but use it to examine yourself as I examine myself.

Save a pastor who's not going in the rapture, Oh what can we do?
To save him from harm, cause he didn't sound the alarm,
Holy Spirit, give them courage,
Before it's too late, and they miss the date,
with Jesus the Lord in the sky!

Save a pastor who's not going in the rapture, we pray now this day,
He didn't speak the truth, being left behind is the proof,
Holy Spirit, give them repentance,
To fear God not man, Tribulation the plan,
Be killed for your faith and go home.

Save a pastor who's not going in the rapture, they tickled your ears,
Big churches and fun, but he's now on the run,
Holy Spirit, Jesus judges,
Used grace as a license to sin, the unrighteous You will not let in,
Mocked God and will reap what they sowed.

Save a pastor who's not going in the rapture, How shocked they must be,
Lives of sin they did hide, cause they were filled with pride,
Holy Spirit, God is justice,
May some testify why they stayed, they thought in their heart You delayed,
What grief must be theirs for this day.

Save a pastor who's not going in the rapture, Could you show him right now?
False teachings he gave, lying lips while he prayed,
Holy Spirit, convict and break him,
The time is right now, hypocrites not allowed,
Repent and be cleansed of all sin!

#jesusislord #rapture #divorce

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