Terry Iverson has a CALL TO ACTION for leaders and execs to develop our manufacturing workforce

10 months ago

Terry joins us for Episode 58. He was the third generation leader at his family's machine tool business, Iverson & Company, for most of his career. Then he took a challenge to connect with young people and help sell manufacturing as a great career path, and he was off to the races!

He founded CHAMPION Now, an advocacy to reach out to America's youth. Its focus? Here it is in Terry's own words, from the CHAMPION Now website: "CHAMPION Now® exists to change the image of manufacturing from the unrealistic, stereotypical 'dark and dirty' industry to one that is filled with extremely technology, advanced innovations, and exhilarating and good paying careers available for the next generation."

Terry went on to write not just one, but TWO books about his efforts: Finding America’s Greatest Champion and Inspiring Champions in Advanced Manufacturing.

Tune in and hear Terry tell all about what you can do as an industry leader. You're needed in the effort! You'll learn about things like opening up your company's doors to help youth learn what manufacturing is all about, and partnering with local schools to help educate kids about their career opportunities and what schooling they need to go after them.

There's a link below to the CHAMPION Now website, where you can learn more and find out about both of Terry's books. There's also a link to the Kickstarter campaign where you can help launch the second book. And there's Terry's email address too!

Take up the challenge, just like Terry did!

CHAMPION Now website: https://championnow.org/

Kickstarter campaign to help launch Terry's second book: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1381700333/inspiring-champions-in-advanced-manufacturing

Terry's email: tiverson@iversonandco.com

This episode aired originally on YouTube on Aug. 29, 2023.

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