Doom 2 Anti-Ellisism UV Max in 22:37

11 months ago

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100% on kills, items, and secrets. Record for low health = 4. This level of mine is titled "Anti-Ellisism". This map is based on Sarah Kate Ellis, the CEO of GLAAD, a woke organization known for pushing pronoun politics towards social media platforms. They love making everything political and the marine does not play pronoun Olympics. Forcing one to ascribe transgender people (especially the ones disguising as the said group of people) a pronoun unaligned with their biological sex is dead wrong, unlike what woke idiots want you to believe. "You misgendered me," no, I didn't. You misgendered yourself. I love roasting pronoun warriors to a tea. Some people may get angry at me for my statements but that's their problem and they are at fault. Anyways, you are dealing with Ellis Elementals, similar to the Pelosi Elementals from my anti Nancy Pelosi map ("Apelosic"), but instead of spitting imp fireballs, they spit revenant tracers and bite (their bites do up to 96 points of damage so if your health is at or below that number, you could be dead in one bite). I thought that this would be funny because the Ellis Elementals scream and die the same way as the Pelosi ones. I think Stavi Vanackerson would definitely love this one. He should consider using this monster (along with other monsters that I've included in my other anti-government maps) in his projects.




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