I Read The Quran As A Christian (I Was Shocked)

1 year ago

Alright Guys, Today I am talking about The Quran. I never thought that I would read the Quran in my Life. Especially as a Christian Orthodox. Islam has a problematic History on the Balkans. Originally I am from Northern Macedonia. My Parents are Christian Orthodox and baptized me during communism. Islam was always the Enemy of the Christians. Most Slavs on the Balkan are Orthodox. The Albanians and Bosnians are predominantly Sunni Muslim. There were plenty of Conflicts between Slavs and Albanians in the recent past. This is why I never wanted to read the Quran. I hated everything that had to do with Muslims. Especially in Germany, where I grew up, I was surrounded by a a lot of Criminality propagated by foreigners which were "Muslims". That made my view on the religion even more negative.
In my 20s I dabbled in the New Age. I tried psychedelics like Magic Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, LSD etc. I even went to the Amazon Jungle to visit the Shamans. The Oneness of God was something that I encountered even there. Since I've been a Kid, The Oneness of God was undeniable. Once I reverted to Orthodoxy, I got confronted with the Trinity. This was the First Time I Questioned My Religion.

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