1 Corinthians 16 Instructions for Mixed Marriages 1 Corinthians 7:12-24

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SBC Family,

It's interesting how Paul addressed the marital situations at Corinth. Some of them were trending toward asceticism in light of the blatant sexual immorality in their midst. As a result they wanted to abstain from sex, get divorced, and leave their unbelieving spouses in order to be more holy. Paul says all that isn't going to make you more holy. Just obey the commandments of God. It is that simple. You don't have to do anything else like deprive the body or light candles or do yoga to be more spiritual. All of those are simply self-help programs designed to try to impress God. God is not impressed. He's impressed if you listen to His voice and obey His authority. We'll talk about these ideas tonight.

Also, the Chafer conference has been going on since Monday. All the presentations have been good, but a few have been exceptional (IMHO). I'll summarize some of the presentations if we have time.

Israel means Israel (not C-H-U-R-C-H).
There are two regatherings prophesied for Israel (1 in unbelief; 1 in belief)
Who owns the land?
The impact of the holocaust on Jewish missions
Ethics in reporting on the Arab-Israeli Conflict
Heroes of the Holocaust: Vignettes of Messianic Jewish Martyrs
The Interconnection and Interdependence of Christian and Jewish Zionism
What is the cause of the Middle East Conflict (very good. I suggest listening to Randy Price on this one...https://www.deanbibleministries.org/presentations/message/08-the-truth-behind-the-headlines-2-what-is-the-cause-of-the-middle-east-conflict )

See the attached notes on 1 Cor 7:12-24

Grace to you,



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